Deadlift Technique

    Since my last blog post was on the basis of lifting, I will be continuing that idea into my next training blog. This one is mostly going to be based off of the idea of deadlifting. Now deadlifting is a very hard, but occasionally easy lifting exercise. It all depends on how you do it, if it is done correctly and with which type of bar it is does with.
    The standard deadlift is seen as very hard for beginners. You must start with your back straight and flat. Then, you must go into how your feet should be placed. Your feet should be down on the ground, toes pointed forward with a decent amount of weight on your heels and toes. In other words you want to evenly distribute it. This will help you push up when lifting the amount one would like to lift. One you has the back and legs in the correct position you will then need to put your hands in the correct place. Your hands will be straight down from your shoulders. This will be your support in order to lift the weights upwards.
    Once you have the standard stance down you want to know begin to lift the weight into the air. This is complicated sometimes as most people will either do too much or the wrong technique and end up hurting themselves really bad. Many people who have been deadlifting for a long time are really able to do this type of stuff such as max out. To start you want to dig your feet into the ground, not literally, then dip your butt down a little bit. Once you do this, you want to keep your back straight and then head pointing forward. Once you have found your stance and can stand up, you want to then stand up with it and have it at about half way up your thighs. Once it is there, you may either lightly lower it down (preferably) or slam it down on the ground.
You have now easily learned how to deadlift, but there are different variations of course like most items I put on this blog. To start, you can have a different grip. This could be one of two ways that I have seen personally. You can either do the standard hands facing the same way or you can have one hand have the knuckles facing forwards and the other facing backwards. Another way to change your deadlift is that you may either use a straight bar or you may use a hexagonal bar. The straight bar is better when trying to compete somewhere, but just for weight, I feel the hexagonal bar does best. The hexagonal bar of course is in the shape of a hexagon and you would stand in the middle of this shape and lift it upwards.  


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