
Showing posts from September, 2017

Power Clean Technique

The art of power cleaning is a struggle for most people and if you do not perform the clean correctly, you could really hurt yourself. The power clean is simple looking for some, but becomes more difficult the higher one goes up in weight.     The bar starts on the ground with whatever weight you would like to start with. Then you will have your hands on the bar squared up with your shoulders along with your feet squared up with your shoulders as well. Once this has been established you will now keep your back straight at all times and looking straight not down or up.     Now we will begin the clean aspect of this. You will slowly bring the bar up about half way up to your thighs and then you will bring with bar up to your chest as if you were doing an upright row. That means you will bring your hands up to around your neck or the top of your chest. Just as you get there you want to flip your wrists and then catch the bar up by your neck. Once this has happened you want to catch i

Discus Technique

    Let me explain exactly how one throws a discus. The standard discuss in high school is 1.6 Kg or about 3 pounds while in college the standard weight is about the 2 Kgs . When throwing one must have the middle of the discuss in their palm. The ends of your fingers should be touching the edge of the disc. Once it is comfortable enough to not fall out of your hand easily then you should put it out to the side of your body and straighten your arm.     Once you have the grip down, then you should start on your actual throw. Start with your feet perpendicular to the front bar and stand sideways. You may move back a couple inches, but to just do the standing throw you want to be able to be right at the front bar. Then bend your knees at about 120 to 90 degrees. And swing the disc around your body to loosen up the arm and begin to get ready to throw. As you get ready to throw you want to release the disc and let it glide out of your hand. When doing so, you are going to extend your kn

Javelin Technique

The art of throwing a javelin is a hard, but a time consuming art. One must make sure that several factors are exactly right and cannot mess up tiny details. When throwing a javelin you have to start with the javelin between your index finger and your middle finger behind the rope of the javelin.  Your elbow need to be fully extended and your arm needs to be back above your head until the javelin is right beside your temple. You need to bend your back knee and straighten your front one. It is necessary to keep your head pointed forward and your hips sideways until you are ready to throw. Keep your non throwing arm out so that you can use it to pull your chest forward. As you throw you need to propel off of the back knee and begin to make a throwing motion with the arm that was back. Use the non throwing arm to grab the air and pull you forward. Use the leg that was extended, dig that heel into the ground and propel off of the momentum of the back leg. You then need to keep your back

Shot Put Technique

Let me explain how exactly one throws a shot put. First one will be throwing with a twelve pound shot put at the high school level or a sixteen pound shot in the collegiate level. The shot will need to be put in the prominent palm balancing right where the knuckles would be. Then, curl the fingers around it tight and lay the shot right under the chin on the neck. Next, bend both knees and have the back knee line up under whichever arm one will throw with a little more bent than the front one. This will give the ability to add power when launching off of  the prominent leg. When throwing the shot put, the other arm not being used must be up out to be able to pull the air and propel the chest upwards toward the sky. This gives the ability to use all of the muscles in the chest and also adds strength into the throw. Finally, extend that back leg and at the same time let the shot slide off of the neck and go forward with the momentum. When releasing, flick the wrist and  let go of the sh